SI Unit of Force - Unit Of Force Formula, Other Units of Force, Converting The Units Of Force, Video and FAQs (2024)

  1. Physics
  2. Force
  3. Unit Of Force

We all know who Isaac Newton is, and it was his research that led to the establishment of the popular formula F = ma representing the acceleration and mass of an object when force is applied. While students can check the article on the force in detail, here, we will learn about the unit of force. Well, force is one of the quantities like pressure or energy, so it has or is measured in a unit. However, force units can be different based on different systems of measurement. Let’s get into the details.

Table of Contents:
  • SI Unit of Force
  • Other Units of Force
  • Converting The Units Of Force
  • Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

If we consider the physical dimensions, force is mostly measured by MLT-2. If we take things practically, the weight of an object is mostly taken into consideration instead of its mass. Therefore, the basic unit of force can be given as,

F = (W/g)LT-2

where W represents the weight whereas g represents the acceleration.

The unit is also classified into two systems called the gravitational system and the absolute system. When force is measured in the absolute system, it is independent of any gravitational force. On the other hand, when force is measured in the gravitational system, it is dependent on gravitational forces. Apart from that, there are a few other ways we can express the unit of measurement of force.

SI Unit of Force

Internationally, many prefer to use a single system called SI unit for measuring force. The SI unit recognized for the measurement of force is Newton.

SI Unit of force (F) = (Kg).(m/s2)
= (Kg m/s2)
This SI unit is termed ‘Newton’ (Kg m/s2).

For your reference, in the table below, we have provided the SI unit of energy and power.

SI Unit of Energy and Power

Unit of Energy

Unit of Power

Other Units of Force

When a mass is subjected to an acceleration, the force applied is called poundal and is depicted as pdl. Then we have the pound-force which is basically a gravitational unit of force. It is denoted as lbf. These are the units of measurement in the FPS system.

In the metric system, the force is measured in kilogram and is denoted by symbol kgf. However, there are also smaller measures called the cgs system. When we talk about the CGS unit of force, it is measured in dynes and is denoted as gf.

Read More: Physical Dimensions

Converting the Units Of Force

SI Unit of Force - Unit Of Force Formula, Other Units of Force, Converting The Units Of Force, Video and FAQs (1)

To know about force and types of force in detail, click on the video below

SI Unit of Force - Unit Of Force Formula, Other Units of Force, Converting The Units Of Force, Video and FAQs (2)

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


What is the CGS unit of force?

The CGS unit of force is dyne.


What is the SI unit of force?

The SI unit of force is Newton.


Give the formula to represent the basic unit of force.

F = (W/g)LT-2


How is force measured

Force is measured in MLT-2.


How is force measured in the metric system?

In the metric system, force is measured in kilograms and is denoted by the symbol kgf.

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SI Unit of Force - Unit Of Force Formula, Other Units of Force, Converting The Units Of Force, Video and FAQs (3)

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SI Unit of Force - Unit Of Force Formula, Other Units of Force, Converting The Units Of Force, Video and FAQs (5)

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SI Unit of Force - Unit Of Force Formula, Other Units of Force, Converting The Units Of Force, Video and FAQs (2024)


What is the SI unit and formula of force? ›

The SI unit recognized for the measurement of force is Newton. SI Unit of force (F) = (Kg).(m/s2) = (Kg m/s2) This SI unit is termed 'Newton' (Kg m/s2).

In what unit is force? ›

The newton (symbol: N) is the unit of force in the International System of Units (SI). It is defined as. , the force which gives a mass of 1 kilogram an acceleration of 1 metre per second squared. newton.

How is force derived from SI units? ›

Force equals mass multiplied by acceleration. Accordingly—by substituting the base units into the formula—we get force equals kilograms multiplied by meters divided by seconds squared. This derived unit of force is called a newton and has the symbol N. So, one newton is one kilogram-meter divided by seconds squared!

How to determine the force? ›

The formula for force states that force is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration. So, if you know mass and acceleration, just multiply them together and now you know the force! The units for acceleration are meters per second squared ( m/s2), and the units for mass are kilograms (kg).

Why is the SI unit of force? ›

The SI unit of force is the newton, symbol N. The base units relevant to force are: The metre, unit of length — symbol m. The kilogram, unit of mass — symbol kg.

How can SI units be converted? ›

Multiply or divide by powers of 10. SI units are easy to convert because you multiply or divide by 10 - sometimes more than once.

How is force measured? ›

The units of force is the Newton which has the symbol N, named after the English Scientist, Isaac Newton. We can measure force using a newton meter. The newton meter works by stretching a spring. As the mass being measured increases, the force downwards, due to gravity increases, stretching the spring further.

What is the formula for solving force? ›

For a constant mass, force equals the mass times acceleration, i.e. F = m x a.

How does friction affect the speed of a moving object? ›

How does friction affect motion? Friction always opposes the motion and reduces the speed at which the object moves on the surface. It will turn some of the kinetic energy of an object into heat energy, thereby reducing the speed.

How to find SI unit? ›

Unit of length, meter (m): Meter is the SI unit of length and is defined by taking the fixed value of the speed of light in vacuum. It is expressed as m.s-1. Unit of mass, kilogram (kg): Kilogram is the SI unit of mass and is defined by taking the fixed value of the Planck constant. It is expressed as kg.m2.s-1.

What is the formula for calculating the acceleration according to Newton? ›

The formula for calculating acceleration is as follows: a = f (net) / m, where a = acceleration, f (net) = the net force acting on the object, m = the mass of the object. Force can be calculated by simply rearranging the formula to solve for force, as you can see on the screen, f (net) = m * a.

What is the SI formula for force? ›

The formula of force (f) acting on an object with mass (m) and acceleration (a) is F = m a . The SI unit of force is newton (N), where 1 newton is equal to 1 k g × 1 m / s 2 .

What is the formula unit of force? ›

Therefore, the unit of force is kg m/s², which is what we refer to as Newton or N. In the CGS system of units, the unit of mass is gram or g, and the unit of acceleration is cm/s². Therefore, the CGS unit of force is g cm/s², which is called dyne or Dyn.

Who is the unit of force named after? ›

In physics, a newton (N) is the metric unit of force. It was named after Sir Isaac Newton. Sir Isaac Newton was a physicist, mathematician, and philosopher.

What is the formula for SI unit? ›

Unit of length, meter (m): Meter is the SI unit of length and is defined by taking the fixed value of the speed of light in vacuum. It is expressed as m.s-1. Unit of mass, kilogram (kg): Kilogram is the SI unit of mass and is defined by taking the fixed value of the Planck constant. It is expressed as kg.m2.s-1.

What is force area SI units? ›

The SI unit of force is N or kg m/s 2 , while the SI unit of area is m 2 . Thus, the SI unit of pressure N m 2 , also known as the pascal (Pa).

What is the SI unit of electric force formula? ›

The SI unit of electric force is Newton (N). The SI unit of force is always Newton. Its Si unit is $\dfrac{N}{C}$ or can be said as Newton per Coulomb. Note: It must be noted that the electric field of a charge has its own existence even if there is no other charge around itself.

What is force constant and SI unit? ›

The force constant or spring constant is a measure of the stiffness of a spring. It is the force per unit deformation of the spring. Its SI unit is N/m.

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